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POSTPONED Islam in New York: Oral Histories of Muslims in Brooklyn with Habiba Noor

  • The SoL Center at University Presbyterian Church 300 Bushnell Ave. San Antonio United States (map)


Tuition: $10 before Sept. 24; $15 after

Enrollment: 10 min./30 max.

For well over a century, Muslims have lived, worked, and prayed in Brooklyn, making it a major center of Muslim life for New York City and the nation. As such, the histories and experiences of Brooklyn’s Muslim communities hold great resonance for national conversations on religious diversity and pluralism. In 2017, the Brooklyn Historical Society launched Muslims in Brooklyn, a multi-year, public arts and history project to amplify stories of Brooklyn’s diverse Muslim communities. Muslims in Brooklyn centers on the following three premises:

1. Muslim communities have been a part of American life since before the nation’s founding; and established Muslim communities have been in Brooklyn for over a century.

2. Muslims in Brooklyn are a diverse people. The lives and work of Muslims in Brooklyn span many ethnicities, cultures, and nationalities.

3. Muslims in Brooklyn are Brooklynites. Muslims have both shaped and been shaped by life in Brooklyn.

Participants will be introduced to an oral history collection that draws on interviews between 2017-2018, and engage with curated clips from the oral history archive to appreciate the cultural diversity of Muslim life.

Habiba Noor is an independent scholar based in San Antonio, Texas. She is the co-author of the play To Be Honest: Voices on Islam in an American City. She has been working with the Brooklyn Historical Society to develop a curriculum from their Muslims in Brooklyn Oral History project. She teaches a course called Social Justice to first-year students at Trinity University.

Register here.