"What you seek is seeking you"




The Source of Light Center at University Presbyterian Church is an interfaith education center for those who seek to encounter the full dimensions of life and faith in the spirit of respectful curiosity.

Join us in exploring the worlds of religion, social justice, peace building, sacred text, ecology and family life in a Source of Light (SoL) Center class this year. In SoL Center classes, scholars and professionals share their knowledge and experience on a broad range of topics. They encourage open, respectful discussions and active learning. Persons of all religious backgrounds are welcome to participate. In the nineteen years since SoL Center was started (2001), over 10,000 participants have enjoyed its enlightening programs.


The SoL Center, overseen by an interfaith board of directors, sponsors both tuition-based courses and free programs throughout the year. The Center is underwritten by the members of University Presbyterian Church, by friends and sponsors throughout the community, by contributors to the SoL Center Endowment funds, and by tuitions paid by course participants. Scholarship assistance is available upon request.

The SoL Center is located at University Presbyterian Church, just north of downtown, 300 Bushnell at Shook, adjacent to the Landa Public Library and Trinity University.


The SoL Center came into being as a result of UPC’s decision, in 1996, to expand opportunities to engage in ministry and education. As one expression of new engagement, then-Pastor Elizabeth McGregor Simmons and church leaders created an adult continuing education program to serve the greater faith communities of San Antonio. Jack Jackson was the first director.

Looking back, it seems almost prophetic that the SoL Center was prepared to open its first season of courses at one of the most challenging moments in recent U.S. history. On September 11, 2001, 20 people who had enrolled in a class on the spiritual aspects of gardening began arriving just as the 9/11 tragedy was unfolding. With images of the imploding World Trade Center Towers dominating television screens, Pastor Simmons led an impromptu prayer service … and then the class went on.